在Bot father選擇Edit bot->Payments->Stripe,可以選擇Connect Stripe Test或者Connect Stripe Live
跳到對應的Stripe bot後,按提示完成認證後會得到payment token
import TelegramBot from "node-telegram-bot-api"; const botToken = "TELEGRAM BOT TOKEN"; const paymentToken = "STRIPE_TOKEN"; const bot = new TelegramBot(botToken, { polling: true }); const productID = "P_ID_1"; bot.onText(/\/start/, (msg) => { const chatId = msg.chat.id; bot.sendMessage( chatId, "Welcome to the payment bot. Use /pay to initiate a payment." ); }); bot.onText(/\/pay/, (msg) => { const chatId = msg.chat.id; const payKeyboard = { reply_markup: JSON.stringify({ inline_keyboard: [ [ { text: "Pay $10 HKD", callback_data: productID, }, ], ], }), }; bot.sendInvoice( chatId, "Title" "Description", "Invoice for payment", //payload paymentToken , "HKD", [{ label: "Product Name", amount: 1000 }], //amount in cents (amount*100) [payKeyboard] ); }); bot.on("pre_checkout_query", (msg) => { /*This function is required by telegram payment, after user perform paymend, this funciton will be called to check the goods is available*/ const queryId = msg.id; bot.answerPreCheckoutQuery(queryId, true); }); bot.on("successful_payment", (msg) => { const chatId = msg.chat.id; console.log("Payment success.") });